Drone following a roomba

Drone following a roomba

5th December 2017

Oh!! it’s been a while since I write a blog! I’m sorry for that! Very busy at the moment! In this post I will explain about a very cool robotics project I did last...
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Long autonomous mission

Long autonomous mission

17th July 2017

Its been a while since I have some time to post in the blog. But with great powers come great responsibility hehe… In this post I’m going to describe the process I...
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Computer Vision Talk

Computer Vision Talk

10th April 2017

What the funk?   In my most recent visit to Mexico, a very dear friend (Rolis) of mine (Aldux) invited me to give a talk about computer vision and the applications I usua...
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Slung Load Controller

Slung Load Controller

8th February 2017

Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MRUAV) have become an increasingly interesting area of study in the past decade, becoming tools that allow for positive changes in today’s...
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UoG 360 Spherical

UoG 360 Spherical

6th February 2017

Glasgow University area 360-degree spherical panoramic photo*. DJI FC220 ƒ/2.2 4.7 mm 1/120 ISO 151 [vrview img=”https://altax.net/images/360/Glasgow.jpg” width=&#...
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Computer vision using GoPro and Raspberry Pi

Computer vision using GoPro and Ras...

17th August 2016

In this post I’m going to demonstrate how to do test some computer vision techniques using the video feed from a GoPro Hero 3 directly towards a Raspberry Pi 3. I’...
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Trajectory Controller

Trajectory Controller

14th May 2016

A while ago, we reviewed how a hover controller works, in this post we are going to discuss how to go a bit further and create a trajectory controller. In that previous blog p...
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29th March 2016

In this post, I’m going to describe how to read a I2C sensor using a Raspberry Pi. The sensor I’m interested on reading/using is actually a InfraRed camera. This c...
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Low Latency Raspberry Pi video transmission

Low Latency Raspberry Pi video tran...

12th March 2016

In this post I’m going to explain how to make a very low latency video transmission using a RPI and a RPI camera. I have done a demonstration of this technique and poste...
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Hover Controller

Hover Controller

20th February 2016

We all love drones, and we love to just buy one and go outside and make it fly by itself, this is great. But what is actually going on inside the drone? In this post I’m...
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CV on video stream

CV on video stream

20th February 2016

This short demonstration/video is about how to use one of my simple, yet powerful, computer vision scripts to detect a color, but in this case, the video is going to be coming...
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How to DroneKit SITL

How to DroneKit SITL

24th January 2016

Software in the loop, is a software testing technique that will help you test your software using simulations before doing it with real/physical systems. ASAM defines a generi...
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Flight Stack

Flight Stack

20th December 2015

I’m currently using two (or more…) computers onboard my drones, one computer is in charge of stabilisation and control of the vehicle (g.n.C) while the other handl...
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Wind Tunnel

Wind Tunnel

29th November 2015

I had the opportunity to perform some flights inside the University of Glasgow Wind Tunnel Facilities, also called “The De Havilland Tunnel”, which has a test sect...
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Finding Nessie

Finding Nessie

3rd October 2015

A few months ago I travelled around the highlands with my trusty hexacopter and like any normal person excited about Scotland, I tried to find the most famous cryptid in the w...
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Flying from computer

Flying from computer

23rd August 2015

As a by-product of a research I’m working on right now, I’m showing this videos of me controlling a multirotor from a computer. It’s done in different platfo...
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Dunnet Head Drone

Dunnet Head Drone

15th August 2015

This great Scottish summer, I did a small road-trip to the highlands with a few friends and my trusty hexacopter. We did a stop in a place called Dunnet Head, which is a penin...
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13th August 2015

MultiWii is a UAV autopilot system developed by RC hobbyists. This project uses an Arduino board as a main processor while the sensor system can vary. This project aims to mak...
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I sent stuff to space

I sent stuff to space

25th July 2015

A few months ago I was approach by some very-nice co-PhDs doing one of those cool balloons that fly very very high for some purpose, then burst it and open an small parachute ...
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UAS Grand Challenge

UAS Grand Challenge

15th July 2015

University of Glasgow MAST Lab entry to the iMechE Unmanned Aerial Systems Grand Challenge 2014/2015. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Challenge (UAS Challenge) bridges the gap b...
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System Identification of Multi-Rotor UAV’s using Echo State Networks

System Identification of Multi-Roto...

4th July 2015

Conference paper. @ AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems 2015. At Atlanta, USA. Abstract: Controller design for aircraft with unusual configurations presents unique challenges , par...
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AUVSI – part 2

AUVSI – part 2

8th May 2015

Some more pictures about this great show, enjoy.  
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AUVSI – part 1

AUVSI – part 1

6th May 2015

Unmanned Systems 2015 convenes the largest global community of commercial and defense leaders in intelligent robotics, drones and unmanned systems, powered by AUVSI. On May 4,...
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Flying in Scotland

Flying in Scotland

5th May 2015

Scotland needless to say is an awesome and beautiful place. I love living here, and its one of my favorite places in the world!!! Just take a look at this picture I took from ...
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Pescado Zarandeado

Pescado Zarandeado

1st May 2015

This is a odd post (in comparison to all my other posts) but I think it deserves to be shared. Recently I did a small trip to Mexico, just because I was already on the contine...
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Retractable landing gear

Retractable landing gear

26th April 2015

AlduxHexa got a little update today! I had a small hard landing the other day due to wind conditions (Scotland weather as usual…), so I was in the necessity to buy some ...
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Building a quadcopter

Building a quadcopter

22nd April 2015

in under two hours!!!   This is a small post on how to build a quadcopter. I know there is tons of similar posts on the web, but anyhow I wanted to share with you my expe...
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Dropping wrong payload

Dropping wrong payload

9th April 2015

While doing some tests with my hexacopter at 20 meters of altitude, my incorrectly secured enormous battery failed at being part of the vehicle and decided to plummet down tow...
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NoIR camera onboard drone

NoIR camera onboard drone

9th April 2015

The RPI (Raspberry Pi) camera is a great module (and cheap) to be playing about with… I have in specific a PI NoIR camera, which is the same as the camera module, with t...
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How to invite people to dinner

How to invite people to dinner

30th March 2015

I was searching for some important e-mails when I found this beauty I wrote a couple years ago…. Needless to say very few people understood it… So, let me explain ...
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Solar Eclipse 2015

Solar Eclipse 2015

20th March 2015

As many of you know, or perhaps not (due to geographic reasons) parts of the world witnessed a solar eclipse – a rare phenomenon in which the sun is completely obscured by the...
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Drone Color Tracking

Drone Color Tracking

17th March 2015

This is about some experiments I’m doing using python and openCV and of course one of my drones… In this case the drone used for taking the videos, was my hexacopt...
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Pixy tracking an object

Pixy tracking an object

8th March 2015

Quick video showing how do I teach an object to the Pixy cam… Pixy is the current CMUcam, in its version 5… I bought one a long time ago, maybe the 3… but I ...
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Python doing music

Python doing music

8th March 2015

Tania ask me this Sunday morning if I was able to make a “better” sound out of a .wav file for a project in a course… So, I started googling and found differ...
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Swing-Free Manoeuvre Controller for Rotorcraft Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Slung-Load System Using Echo State Networks

Swing-Free Manoeuvre Controller for...

6th March 2015

A journal publication of a research I did last year was recently accepted and published on the International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering (ISSN: 2052-112X). The tit...
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Hexacopter carrying FLIR Camera

Hexacopter carrying FLIR Camera

3rd March 2015

AlduxHexa, my hexacopter build was created (at the beginning) with the sole purpose of carrying this 2.8 kilogram infrared camera. My business partner Ifeanyi manage to get th...
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Robot arm writing the Torah

Robot arm writing the Torah

1st March 2015

When Tania and me traveled to Berlin this Feb for a conference called Transmediale, we had some time to do tourist stuff, so, we went to the Judisches museum. Overall the muse...
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Pilot Point of View

Pilot Point of View

1st March 2015

While I was waiting for some parts of my hexacopter to come (GPS post and similar stuff) I removed the dust of my 500mm quadcopter, AlduxQuad. I use all my batteries, so lots ...
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Glitch in the system!

Glitch in the system!

13th February 2015

I’m in the current process of training my ESN using real data coming from the tuple ('raspberry pi', ',multiWii', 'matlab-simulink', 'MoCap') But, as usual, there is pro...
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How is a quadcopter born?

How is a quadcopter born?

29th October 2014

This educative video shows how a quadcopter is born, and of course its maiden flight. I had to built a quad with some parts we order from hobbyking, so, I took my camera, put ...
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UoG Aerial Pics

UoG Aerial Pics

12th October 2014

This picture was taken with my GoPro Hero3 in a stabilised gimbal and with the great and excellent AlduxHexa. I have also done some night flights, using leds to make my hexa v...
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TEGO position control

TEGO position control

11th September 2014

This large video is about the project that Murray and me have being doing in the MAST Lab. It’s about doing automatic position control and trajectory tracking of a micro...
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TEGO slow mo crash

TEGO slow mo crash

4th March 2014

So, I change motors, ESC’s and props to the TEGOv3 frame and did a quick test, only to find out it was way more powerful and uncontrollable… and eventually leading...
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TEGO v3 MoCap Control

TEGO v3 MoCap Control

12th February 2014

First automatic position control test’s with the series of quadrotors TEGO, 3D printed multicopters built to be the workhorse of Aldux’s research. In previous post...
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Bonfire & AlduxQuad

Bonfire & AlduxQuad

12th November 2013

Your quadcopter might be cool, but not as cool as a quadcopter flying over a impressive bonfire (spoiler alert, duh)… Bonfire Night is an annual event dedicated to bonfi...
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7th November 2013

I was a little bit sad at the end of the summer, my favorite designer had left , so, to cheer me up, I start building a tricopter, using a carbon-fiber frame, some powerful mo...
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29th October 2013

This is yet another version of a 3D printed quadrotor, pointed to be one of the workhorses of my research… The main characteristic of this frame is that instead of using...
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AlduxQuad vs Flock

AlduxQuad vs Flock

15th October 2013

This summer, I did a road-trip with some friends, across Scotland, and of course, I HAD to take my quad with me 😉 The main problem was that just one week before the roadtrip, ...
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3D printed gimbal

3D printed gimbal

27th August 2013

For my project I need to design and build a two axis mechanical gimbal… A gimbal is a pivoted support that allows the rotation of a object on a axis, in this case, the o...
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Altitude test

Altitude test

9th July 2013

Pues bueno… lets do a altitude test, I wanted cool pictures of my surroundings and of course test the limits of AlduxQuad, so, I did a couple of flights just with the id...
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Glasgow Science Festival

Glasgow Science Festival

28th June 2013

Some colleagues and I, participated on this years Glasgow Science Festival, I took AlduxQuad and TEGO, to show them to lots and lots of kids, it was a fun festival. Some of th...
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3D printed Quadrotor (TEGO v2)

3D printed Quadrotor (TEGO v2)

25th June 2013

Do you remember TEGO??? It was involved in a small accident during the Glasgow Science Festival… and one of the arms was not able to continue fighting 🙁 But, for my fort...
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3D printer awesomeness

3D printer awesomeness

17th June 2013

At the department in the University we require to build all sorts of stuff, so, I made the casual suggestion of acquiring a nice 3D printer, and… My wishes became true!!...
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TEGO Micro quad

TEGO Micro quad

16th June 2013

This is a quadrotor build intended for making quick tests and flights of FC, so far this cool and nice quad has tested 3 different FC… Its a PCB frame, 250mm from rotor ...
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First automatic flight

First automatic flight

12th June 2013

Mmmmm, how to begin????…. Well, simply by saying that this is my first flight doing waypoint navigation… Waypoints are sets of coordinates that identify a point in...
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Angry dog vs Alduxquad

Angry dog vs Alduxquad

12th June 2013

It was a beautiful day in sunny Glasgow… So, the buddies at the office decided to go to have lunch at the park, after that, Harry decided to go to the river with his bea...
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Flying a quadcopter from the computer

Flying a quadcopter from the comput...

8th June 2013

The next part of my quad-rotors project is to control them via the computer. Having that sorted, I can play with nice swarm algorithms and of course motion tracking using Opti...
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Scottish Highlands flight

Scottish Highlands flight

7th June 2013

During February 2013 I took a wee winter break, rented a car, put some luggage and of course AlduxQuad & equipment, and started driving through the Scottish Highlands poin...
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GoPro photography

GoPro photography

6th June 2013

The GoPro is a camera originally design to take videos… but, you can definitely take very cool pics with it, make the most of that excellent 12MP lens!!! The GoPro has n...
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University of Glasgow Flights

University of Glasgow Flights

5th June 2013

I was getting really tired to always flight inside the lab… AlduxQuad is built to fly outside!!! and its really good at it!! I did this flights in the main building of t...
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AlduxQuad crash

AlduxQuad crash

4th June 2013

Well… what did you expect??? any RC pilot eventually has to crash… 🙂 This was a “fortunate” crash, and the most important thing is that nobody and noth...
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First onboard camera flight

First onboard camera flight

4th June 2013

After some videos and getting more comfortable flying the quadrotor, I put a nice GoPro Hero 3 camera on top of the quadrotor and make a wee flight… Everything go accord...
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AlduxQuad first hover

AlduxQuad first hover

2nd June 2013

After building and testing AlduxQuad (showed on past R&D post here), I perform the first maiden flight… The maiden flight of an aircraft is the first occasion on whi...
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Hirobo GPH 346

Hirobo GPH 346

1st June 2013

Since I was really young I always wanted to have and fly a radio controlled (RC) helicopter, but of course, it was reallly really expensive, and super difficult to get for a 1...
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28th May 2013

Aldux as any normal human being, requires some way of transportation… Alduxbike is a Diamondback Overdrive. Wheel size: 26 inch Wheel Gender: Mens Material: Alloy Gearse...
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Building AlduxQuad

Building AlduxQuad

27th May 2013

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) have become an increasingly area of study in the last years. This kind of vehicle does not require a human pilot to be physically present insi...
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