Bonfire & AlduxQuad

Bonfire & AlduxQuad

Your quadcopter might be cool, but not as cool as a quadcopter flying over a impressive bonfire (spoiler alert, duh)… Bonfire Night is an annual event dedicated to bonfires, fireworks and celebrations. Some of the world’s most popular Bonfire instances include Great Britain’s Guy Fawkes Night, which is a annual commemoration observed on 5 of November.

And my favorite skydiving airfield “Skydive Strathallan” could not stand behind… For them is an annual tradition, for me it was my first bonfire night, very fun and highly dangerous.

The main difference with this weekend at Strathallan is that I took my dear AlduxQuad with me… The rest is history. Its better if you watch the video, be warned, its a little long, 8 minutes and 34 seconds.